
Frankfurt am Main

Altsprachliches Gymnasium — Schule mit Schwerpunkt Musik


Fachschaft Englisch

Sprachfahrt nach Hastings, England

Das Fach Englisch

A lan­guage is not just words. It’s a cul­ture, a tra­di­tion, a uni­fi­ca­tion of a com­mu­nity, a whole history that crea­tes what a com­mu­nity is.“

(Noam Chom­sky)

Whe­ther you come from a bilin­gual pri­mary school or have star­ted with a dif­fe­rent lan­guage like Ita­lian or French, our school is a good choice for you. We see diver­sity as an oppor­tu­nity, espe­ci­ally in your first year. Our tea­chers are used to deal­ing with dif­fe­rent levels of lan­guage ability, picking you up where you curr­ently stand. For beg­in­ners who have not yet had any expe­ri­ence with the Eng­lish lan­guage, we offer a spe­cial course in addi­tion to our regu­lar classes.

Since Eng­lish is taught as a second for­eign lan­guage, we start with three les­sons a week in year 5, fol­lo­wing the ‘Biber­acher-Modell‘, which com­bi­nes the bene­fits of Latin, our school’s first for­eign lan­guage, with modern Eng­lish. In class 6 and 7 you will have four les­sons per week; later you will be back to three again.

With our text­book, Cam­den Town, we fol­low a modern, playful and com­mu­ni­ca­tive approach towards suc­cessful lan­guage acqui­si­tion by tea­ching the basic skills of lis­tening, spea­king, rea­ding and wri­ting. A crea­tive task could be to per­form a scene, write a poem, make a film or sim­ply do crea­tive wri­ting. We also like adding authen­tic mate­rial like pod­casts, (short) films, pop songs, news­pa­per reports and lite­rary texts.

After three years of lan­guage lear­ning you will have ear­ned yours­elf a reward: at the end of year 7 you will take part in a trip to Has­tings on the south coast of Eng­land tog­e­ther with your class­ma­tes. In the fol­lo­wing years, you will gain many more insights into the Eng­lish lan­guage, lite­ra­ture and the cul­tures of various Eng­lish spea­king count­ries like the UK, the USA, Canada, South Africa and many more. When­ever pos­si­ble, we attend pro­duc­tions of the Eng­lish Theatre Frank­furt or watch the latest films in their ori­gi­nal ver­sion at the local cinema.

For your final years, we offer clas­ses at an advan­ced level (‘Leis­tungs­kurs‘), which will give you the oppor­tu­nity to reach level C1 of the ‘Com­mon Euro­pean Frame­work of Refe­rence for Languages‘.

Das Fach Englisch

Frau Krich­baum



Herr Rich­ter



A lan­guage is not just words. It’s a cul­ture, a tra­di­tion, a uni­fi­ca­tion of a com­mu­nity, a whole history that crea­tes what a com­mu­nity is.“

(Noam Chom­sky)

Whe­ther you come from a bilin­gual pri­mary school or have star­ted with a dif­fe­rent lan­guage like Ita­lian or French, our school is a good choice for you. We see diver­sity as an oppor­tu­nity, espe­ci­ally in your first year. Our tea­chers are used to deal­ing with dif­fe­rent levels of lan­guage ability, picking you up where you curr­ently stand. For beg­in­ners who have not yet had any expe­ri­ence with the Eng­lish lan­guage, we offer a spe­cial course in addi­tion to our regu­lar classes.

Since Eng­lish is taught as a second for­eign lan­guage, we start with three les­sons a week in year 5, fol­lo­wing the ‘Biber­acher-Modell‘, which com­bi­nes the bene­fits of Latin, our school’s first for­eign lan­guage, with modern Eng­lish. In class 6 and 7 you will have four les­sons per week; later you will be back to three again.

With our text­book, Cam­den Town, we fol­low a modern, playful and com­mu­ni­ca­tive approach towards suc­cessful lan­guage acqui­si­tion by tea­ching the basic skills of lis­tening, spea­king, rea­ding and wri­ting. A crea­tive task could be to per­form a scene, write a poem, make a film or sim­ply do crea­tive wri­ting. We also like adding authen­tic mate­rial like pod­casts, (short) films, pop songs, news­pa­per reports and lite­rary texts.

After three years of lan­guage lear­ning you will have ear­ned yours­elf a reward: at the end of year 7 you will take part in a trip to Has­tings on the south coast of Eng­land tog­e­ther with your class­ma­tes. In the fol­lo­wing years, you will gain many more insights into the Eng­lish lan­guage, lite­ra­ture and the cul­tures of various Eng­lish spea­king count­ries like the UK, the USA, Canada, South Africa and many more. When­ever pos­si­ble, we attend pro­duc­tions of the Eng­lish Theatre Frank­furt or watch the latest films in their ori­gi­nal ver­sion at the local cinema.

For your final years, we offer clas­ses at an advan­ced level (‘Leis­tungs­kurs‘), which will give you the oppor­tu­nity to reach level C1 of the ‘Com­mon Euro­pean Frame­work of Refe­rence for Languages‘.