Die Schülerinnen und Schüler der 7. Klassen begaben sich, wie jedes Jahr Ende Oktober, auf die Spuren der römischen Geschichte in die ehemalige Kaiserresidenzstadt Trier. Im Geschichts- und Lateinunterricht haben sie im Vorfeld projektorientiert gearbeitet und Führungen zu bekannten Bauwerken vorbereitet. Den Tag in Trier beschreibt Katharina (7a) anschließend in ihrem im Rahmen des Englischunterrichts verfassten report sehr treffend.
A day in Trier
Finally it was there! The day that all year 7 students of Lessing-Gymnasiums went to Trier. The two and a half hour bus ride was fast but noisy, as everyone was excited to have a presentation in front of an ancient building with 3–4 other classmates of their own class. Most of them had never seen their building before, which of course made it more difficult to guide their own class through the building or to show things about it.
“I´m really curious how the buildings look like in real life, and I‘m particularly interested in the Kaiserthermen, which I give a presentation on,”
says a Evelin S., as she passes her pictures around. After three presentations, the students had an hour and a half lunch break, in which they can have lunch and explore the city. Afterwards there were three presentations, after which the bus waited in front of the last building and everybody got inside, exhausted. “I liked Trier because it has so many old buildings we could see and it was different from the normal lessons,” says Evelin S. about the trip.
Katharina M., 7a